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ON-SITE: Group Facilitation Methods (GFM) Training (02 days)

  • The training is for anyone who works with groups and needs to design effective group discussions and meetings that are engaging and reach shared conclusions, decisions and actions.

  • The training trains participants in fundamental approaches to facilitation that can be used immediately and are adaptable to most settings.

    Learn how to design and facilitate group conversations:

    • To bring all the voices in the room into the discussion.

    • To improve group understanding and decision-making.

    • To develop ownership and teamwork.

    • To have meetings that are useful and reach conclusions.

  • The Group Facilitation Methods training is from the Institute of Cultural Affairs UK (ICA:UK).

    ICA has been involved in the development and training of facilitation skills for over 40 years across the world.

    The training has been run all over the world for very diverse audiences in all sectors for the last two decades.

    The training also comes with an extensive manual which has also been developed over decades which covers the training content and much more.

    The training and attendance certificate will be officially from ICA:UK.

  • The training typically runs from 08:30-16:30 for two consecutive days:

    • With a one-hour break for lunch.

    • Two 30-minute breaks.

    The style of the training is based on 4 steps:

    1. Experience the method.

    2. Debrief and learn the method.

    3. Practise the method.

    4. Discuss how you would apply the method.

    The training is based on participatory learning. We advise participants to sleep and check emails before they arrive, because they will not get a chance during the training.

  • Bhavesh Patel has over 20 years' experience facilitating and training onsite and online with groups of 5-350 with private and civil society organisations in 30 countries and is a lead trainer for ICA:UK.

  • You’ll see when you register that there are three possible amounts, and we leave it to you to decide.

    Standard - USD 300

    Reduced - USD 200

    Lowest - USD 100

    We are deliberately not offering this training for free. These trainings would cost more than double the amount in other contexts, so this is a great opportunity; and we want participants who really want to be there. This means some investment - the investment might be simply to ask your institution for a contribution to your professional development, or maybe you want to invest in your own development. That’s up to you. We’re confident that for anyone who really wants to be there, the pricing approach is affordable. If you simply can't manage any way, let us know and we can discuss.

24 October

ON-SITE: Introduction to complexity based design (01 day)